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~ na hintleachta, acme of intelligence.
~ airm, armlóin, eitilte, faisnéise, leighis, taidhleoireachta, army, army service, flying, intelligence, medical, diplomatic, corps.
2. ~ (chinn), intelligence, understanding.
Ciall agus tuiscint agus ~ chinn, sense and understanding and intelligence.
~ aigne, mental power, intelligence.
Barr ~e a bhreith ó dhuine, to surpass s.o. in intelligence.
~ loingis, shipping intelligence.
Oifigeach, rannóg, ~e, intelligence officer, department.
~ d’intleacht, in accordance with, as may be inferred from, your intelligence.
Bua ~a, gift of intelligence.
Gann in ~, lacking in intelligence.
~ chinn, intelligence, understanding.
Céadfaí, intleacht, ag ~, bodily senses, intelligence, becoming impaired.
~ éirime, intelligence test.
~ cinn, intelligence, cleverness.
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