Tá ~ orm ag éisteacht libh, I am deaf listening to you.
Tá mé ~ ag éisteacht libh, leis an scéal sin, I am tired listening to you, hearing that story.
Tá mo chluasa bodhar aige, it is being dinned into my ears; I am tired listening to him, to it.
Más fiú ~eacht leis, if it is worth listening to.
~ ceannais, comhraic, éisteachta, faire, rialaithe, command, combat, listening, look-out, control, post.
D’éistfinn trí sheol mara leis, I would never tire of listening to him.
Bhí ~ air ag éisteacht linn, he had his head cocked listening to us.
Ag éisteacht le ~ na gcos, listening to the tramp of feet.
Ní bheifeá ~ ag éisteacht leis, you wouldn’t tire of listening to him.