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Bus a seacht, the (number) seven bus; the seven (o’clock) bus.
A chlog, o’clock.
Ag a sé a chlog, at six o’clock.
A h~ a chlog, one o’clock.
Ar maidin, ar a sé a chlog, in the morning, at six o’clock.
Ar bhuille, dhá bhuille, a chlog, at one, two, o’clock.
A ~ a chlog, four o’clock.
A chlog, o’clock.
A haon a chlog, one o’clock.
Cad a chlog é? What o’clock is it?
A ~ a chlog, five o’clock.
A ~ a chlog, ten o’clock.
A dó a chlog, two o’clock.
Agus é a dó dhéag cheana féin, and it already twelve (o’clock).
A ~ a chlog, nine o’clock.
A h~ a chlog, eight o’clock.
~ a seacht (a chlog), before seven (o’clock).
Tá ~ a dó a chlog, it is two o’clock.
A ~ a chlog, six o’clock.
Ag ~t ar a trí a chlog, getting on for three o’clock.
~ a deich (a chlog), about ten (o’clock).
A ~ a chlog, three o’clock.
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