clog1, m. (gs. & npl. -oig, gpl. ~). 1. Bell. ~ an aingil, easpartan, na marbh, angelus, vesper-, death-, bell. ~ an dinnéir, dinner bell. ~ a bhaint, a bhualadh, to ring a bell. Croith an ~, ring the (hand-)bell. S.a. bain ar 3 (b), cill 1. 2. Clock. (a) ~ aláraim, balla, buailte, cuaiche, alarm-, wall-, striking-, cuckoo-, clock. ~ gréine, sundial. ~ grianchloiche, quartz clock. ~ a chasadh, a chur ag gabháil, to wind, start, a clock. Am an chloig, the time by the clock. Uair an chloig, an hour by the clock. (b) A chlog, o’clock. A haon a chlog, one o’clock. Cad a chlog é? What o’clock is it? 3. Blowball, clock (of dandelion).
clog2, m. (gs. & npl. -oig, gpl. ~). Blister (on skin). ~ uisce, sáile, water-, sea-, blister. ~ a thógáil (ar), to raise a blister (on). D’éirigh ~ air, it blistered. ~ ar phéint, ar mhiotal, blister on paint, on metal.
clog3, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). Blister.
clog4 = clag.
Ag a sé a chlog, at six o’clock.
An clog a ~t, to be able to read the clock.
Tá an clog ar an ~, the clock shows the correct time.
A h~ a chlog, one o’clock.
Ar maidin, ar a sé a chlog, in the morning, at six o’clock.
Clog, boschrann, a bhaint, to strike a bell, a knocker.
Bhain an clog, (i) the bell rang, (ii) the clock struck.
~ anuas an clog, take down, dismantle, the clock.
~eadh clog air, [’a bell was rung against him’, he was excommunicated.
~ cíche (na n-)éan, ~ clog, juice of dandelion.
Ar bhuille, dhá bhuille, a chlog, at one, two, o’clock.
~eann an clog sin nóiméad sa lá, that clock loses a minute every day.
Clog a chasadh, to wind a clock.
A ~ a chlog, four o’clock.
Ní chuireann sé suim i g~ ná i gclog, he pays no attention to religion.
~ a bhaint as clog, as gloine, to tinkle a bell, clink a glass.
A ~ a chlog, five o’clock.
~ siar an clog, put the clock back.
Cuir an clog ar g~, put back the clock.
Tá an clog déanach, the clock is slow.
A ~ a chlog, ten o’clock.
A dó a chlog, two o’clock.
Tá an clog, an t-inneall, ag ~áil, the clock, the engine, is going.
Ná bí ag ~áil don chlog mar sin, don’t meddle with the clock like that.
~ na gclog, the tinkling of bells.
Ba dhaor an clog í, it was a dear clock. Similarly with
An clog a chur ag imeacht, to set the clock going.
~a cloig, hands of clock.
An clog a léamh, to read the clock.
An clog a luathú, to put the clock forward.
Tá an clog cúig nóiméad ~, the clock is five minutes slow.
A ~ a chlog, nine o’clock.
1. ~ (na huaire, an chloig), a minute.
Oibreacha cloig, meaisín, the works of a clock, of a machine.
Níl an clog ag ~, the clock is not going.
A h~ a chlog, eight o’clock.
Tá an t-inneall, an clog, ag oibriú, the machine, the clock, is working.
~ cloig, meaisín, the working of a clock, of a machine.
Bhain sé na ~a as an gclog, he removed the inner parts from the clock.
Clog a rialú, to regulate a clock.
~ a seacht (a chlog), before seven (o’clock).
~ cloig, the mechanism of a clock.
~ sé an clog, he took the clock to pieces.