Ó, go díreach! Oh, indeed!
Ó, mo dhearmad! Oh, I forgot!
Ó, is fíor é! Oh, it is true!
Ó, an bithiúnach! Oh, the scoundrel!
Fill, a rún ó! Come back, oh, my love!
1. ~, ní fiú é! Oh, it is not worth it!
~, cár fhág tú é? Oh, where did you leave it?
~, is mairg a labhair! Oh, I’m sorry I spoke!
~, a naí ó! Oh, my dear! O dear me!
Cumha liom ~ cumha liom, I long, oh, how I long.
~, mo leanbh bocht! Oh, my poor child!
A ~ mo chléibh, mo chroí, oh, love of my heart; my darling.