Ní raibh mé ach ag ~, I was only joking.
Níl ann ~ greann, it is only in fun.
Níl tú ~ ag amaidí, you are only fooling.
Níl sé ~ ag rá nár thuig sé an cás, he is only saying that he didn’t understand the case.
~ ab é mise, only for me.
Níl sé ach ~ gearr as seo, it is only a short distance from here.
Dá mb’~ leis teacht, if he wished to come; if he would only come.
Níl oiread ~ ann, it is only a tiny amount; he is very tiny.
Níl inti ach ~ scine, it is only a makeshift of a knife.
Níl ann ach ~, (i) it is only a makeshift, (ii) he is a man in name only.
Níl agam ach an ~ seo, I have only so much.
Níl inti ach ~ (scine), it is only a makeshift (knife).
Is beag an t-~ ó bhí sí ina leanbh, it is only a short time since she was a child.
An t-aon mhac ~ a bhí aige, the only son he had.
Is mé an t-aon duine ~ a chonaic é, I am the only person who saw him.
Ní h~, ní hé ~, sin, not only that.
Sinn féin ~, ourselves only, alone.
An lá sin ~, (on) that day only.
3. Níl ~ ach, it is only.
Níl ~ ach mise, it is only me; I am the only one.
Níl ~ ach iad, (i) they are the only ones, (ii) they are inseparable.
Duine ~ a dhéanfadh é, only an exceptional person would do it.
Níl acu anois ach ~ (amháin) dá gclann, there is only one of their children left to them now.
An t-~ iníon (amháin) atá acu, the only daughter they have.
Is tú an t-~ duine (amháin) a labhair liom, you are the only person who spoke to me.
An t-~ lá (amháin) a bhí mé saor, the only day on which I was free.
~ an Athar, the only-begotten of the Father.
Mac ~e, only-begotten son.
A~ Dé, the only Son of God.
Ar leathshúil, having only one eye.
Tá mo tharrtháil ort, you are the only one who can rescue me.
Ní ~ a bhí tú imithe nuair a tháinig sé, you had only just left when he arrived.
Níl siad ach ag ~t asat, they are only drawing you out, pulling your leg.
Le ~ a dúirt sé é, he said it only for fun.
Inné ~, only yesterday; late yesterday.
Dé Luain ~ seo a chuaigh thart, only last Monday.
Ó bhéal a dúirt sé é, he said it only with his lips.
Níl ach aon bhealach amháin air, there is only one way to do it.
~ Dé ort, duit, ní raibh mé ach ag magadh, bless your innocence, I was only joking.
Ní hé sin an t-aon bheith amháin aige, that is not the only point about him.
Níl ann ach amadán, he is only a fool.
~ in aon súil, an only child.
Níl tú ach ag ~ air, you are only nibbling at, sipping, it.
Níl ag fear ~ ach lán a chluas a thabhairt leis, a deaf man can only attempt to understand what is said.
Más peaca a bheith ~ tá na mílte damanta, ‘if it’s a sin to be sallow thousands are damned’, beauty is only skin deep.
Níl ina seasamh ach ~ an tí, only the walls of the house remain standing.
É féin a bhí sé a chaí, he was concerned for himself only.
Níl ann ach ~, it is only talk, gossip.
Níl ann ach ~, it is only talk, bluster.
Níor chan mé ach an fhírinne, I spoke only the truth.