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Similar words: day out · lay out · payout · play out · way out
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D’íoc sé as a thuarastal é, he paid it out of his salary.
Chaill mé as mo phóca féin leis, I had to pay for it out of my own pocket.
~ as, pay out, discard.
Bain as an ~ dó é, give it to him out of the kitty; pay him off.
Rópa, sreang, a ~ean, to pay out a rope, a wire.
Cábla a ~ean amach, to pay out, to cast off, a cable.
~ean le rópa, to pay out, to extend, a rope.
~ téide, paying out of rope.
Cábla a thabhairt, to pay out a cable.
Chuaigh sé óna scair den airgead a íoc, he got out of paying his share of the money.
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