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An bród, an leisce, an cotadh, a bhaint as duine, to take the pride, the laziness, the shyness, out of s.o.
~ an mhadra rua, London-pride.
Bród, saint, a chur i nduine, to infuse pride, covetousness, into s.o.
~ áthais, bhróid, matter for joy, for pride.
Le h~ uabhair, through sheer pride.
An ~ a bhaint as duine, to humble s.o.’s pride.
Uabhar agus ~, pride and arrogance.
Tá ~ an tsaoil, an domhain, faoi, he is full of worldly pride.
Ite le ~, consumed with pride.
~ de lán, puffed up with pride.
Bheith ~ as rud, to pride oneself on sth.
~ a dhéanamh as rud, to speak with pride of sth; to boast of sth.
~ cine, pride of race.
As ~ a dúirt sé é, he said it out of pride.
Baineadh an ~ as, his pride was humbled.
~ thóin gan taca, pride that cannot be sustained.
~ gan ghustal, empty show, empty pride.
~ an díomais, na sainte, the sin of pride, of avarice.
~ a bheith agat i rud, as rud, to be fond of sth.; to take pride in sth.
Bhí an Bhealtaine ina ~, May was in its pride.
Ag imeacht as a chuid éadaigh le ~, puffing himself up with pride.
Chuaigh an mórtas ina thóin dó, his pride took a nasty fall.
~ áite, pride of place.
Peaca an uabhair, the sin of pride.
Dul ar an ~, to humble oneself, to pocket one’s pride.
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