Tá an coirce in ~ a bhainte, the oats are ready for reaping.
In ~ a bhainte, fit for reaping.
Ag ~t agus ag cur, reaping and sowing.
Coirce ~ bainte, oats fit for reaping.
Níl ~ an chorráin san arbhar, the corn is too short for reaping.
(Ag baint, ag rith) ar ~, (reaping, running) in unison.
~ corráin, speile, grass suitable for cutting with reaping-hook, with scythe.
Is deacair fiacla a chur i gcúl corráin, [’it is hard to put teeth in the back of a reaping-hook’, to reason with a numskull.
~ chorráin, reaping of unripe corn, etc.
Is é do lá fómhair é, you are reaping your reward; it is your lucky day.
Is fada ó d’~ an bhuain chorráin, reaping with a hook ceased a long time ago.
~ bainte, buailte, crúite, cniotála, fuála, reaping-, threshing-, milking-, knitting-, sewing-, machine.
~ scine, corráin, tang of knife, of reaping-hook.
~ corráin, speile, scine, heel of reaping-hook, of scythe, of knife.
~ chorráin, slashing-knife converted from (old) reaping-hook.
Tá an coirce in ~ a bhainte, the oats are ready for reaping.