rite1, a3. 1. pp. of righ. 2. Taut, tense. Téad, sreang, ~, taut rope, wire. Bolg ~, distended, full, stomach. Chomh ~ le bogha fidile, as taut as a fiddle-string. 3. Sharp, steep. Fána ~, steep declivity. Tá mala ~ le tógáil againn, we have a steep hill to climb. 4. Exposed (le, to). Blár ~, unsheltered plain. ~ le gaoth, exposed to the wind. 5. Eager (chun, for). ~ chun oibre, chun troda, eager for work, for a fight. 6. (In phrases) Chuaigh sé ~ leis é a dhéanamh, he barely managed to do it. Tá an saol ag dul ~ leo, they are in straitened circumstances.
rite2, a3. 1. pp. of rith2. 2. ~ anuas, síos, run down (in health). 3. Exhausted, extinct. Tá mo chuid airgid ~, my money is spent. Tá an sloinne sin ~, that surname is extinct.
rite3, s. (In phrase) ~ reaite, run before jumping. De ~ reaite, at a run.
Tá sé rite as ~, he is out of breath.
Tá a chúrsa rite, his course is run.
Bheith rite ~ i rud, to have run short of sth.
Rite le doineann, exposed to storms.
Tá ár lón rite, our supply is exhausted.
Bhí a théarma rite, his term had run its course.
Tá mé rite as tobac, I have run out of tobacco.
Bhí sé rite as mairteoil ach thug sé caoireoil dom ar a ~, he had run out of beef but he gave me mutton instead of it.
Chuaigh sé rite liom, it was as much as I could do.
~ caointe, funeral rites, games.
~a adhlactha, burial rites.
Na ~a a chomhlíonadh, to observe the rites, the formalities.
~adh a chluiche caointe, his funeral rites were held.
Sagart ~a, priest administering last rites.