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Similar words: scór · cor · saor · scar · scoir
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scor could be a grammatical form of: scoir »
scor1, m. (gs. -oir). I. 1. vn. of scoir1. 2. Unyoking. ~ capaill, unyoking of horse. 3. Disconnection, separation. ~ coltair, removal of coulter. ~ ciorcaid, breaking of circuit. 4. Release, dismissal. ~ cruinnithe, break-up of meeting. 5. Discontinuance, termination. ~ gnó, suspension of business. ~ cumainn, termination of association. 6. Retirement. ~ éigeantach, compulsory retirement. Jur: Ordú scoir, retirement order. 7. Cessation of work. Bheith ar ~, to be released from work. Cead scoir, permission to leave off work. Am scoir, leaving-off time. 8. (gs. as a.) Final, last. An buille scoir, the final blow; the finishing stroke. Urchar scoir, parting shot.
II. (gs. & npl. -oir, gpl, ~). 1. (a) Horses at pasture; stud. (b) Coll: Horses. 2. Pasture for horses; paddock. 3. Camping-place, encampment. 4. Troop; band, company.
scor2, m. (gs. & npl. -oir, gpl. ~). 1. Rock pinnacle. 2. ~ (srathrach), straddle-pin.
scor3, s. (In phrase) Ar ~ ar bith, in any case, at any rate.
scor4, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Cut, slash, slice. Feoil a ~adh, to slash meat. Tá siad ag ~adh ar a chéile, they are making cutting remarks about one another. 2. Score, notch. Leathar a ~adh, to score leather.
scor5, m. 1 = scoradh. 2 = scór 1. 3 = scair.
~ scoir, time to knock off.
Is fada ~ ó am scoir é, it is very far from being time to knock off.
~ scoir, finishing stroke.
~ scoir, furlough.
~ a scor, to break a circuit.
D~ Éireann a thionól, a scor, to assemble, recess,
Scoir siad den obair, they left off work.
~ scoir, clincher.
~ fágála, scoir, notice to quit, of discontinuance.
~ scoir, stableman, groom.
~ (mór) a ghabháil, a scor, to limber, unlimber, a gun.
Scor de ~, to cease fire.
Capall a scor, to unyoke a horse.
Rudaí a scor ó chéile, to detach things from each other.
Ciorcad a scor, to break a circuit.
~ sé an clog, he took the clock to pieces.
~ an stoirm an coirce, the storm caused the oats to shed the grain.
Cuideachta a scor, to break up company.
Duine a scor as a phost, to retire s.o. from his post.
Conradh a scor, to terminate an agreement.
~ do bhéal, stop talking.
Níor ~ siad feadh an lae den turas sin, they continued the journey all day without stop.
Scor den obair, to leave off work.
~ sé dár dteagasc, he stopped teaching us.
~ na cláir as a chéile, the boards fell apart.
~ a thabhairt do rud, to slash, gash, sth.
~ claímh, sword-cut.
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