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~ marbh, blank score.
~ a chur, to score a goal.
~ leis an, thar an, scór, a little more than a score.
2. ~ Aifrinn, bainise, beannachta, cuimhneacháin, fógraíochta, gnó, Nollag, poist, scóir, Mass-, wedding-, greeting-, in memoriam, show-, business-, Christmas, post-, score-, card.
~ fichid, four score, eighty.
~ scóir, score-board.
~ agus scór, more than a score.
Airgead, punt, scór, ~, even money, pound, score.
An scór a chothromú, to equalize the score.
~ a fháil, to gain a trick, score a five (in game of twenty-five, etc.).
~ fichid, five score, one hundred,
Báire a chur, to score a goal.
Tá ~ amuigh agam air, I have a score to settle with him.
~ a chur isteach, to score a goal.
An dosaen cothrom, na ceithre scór, a dhéanamh, to make the even dozen, the four score.
Ag ~im leis an oíche, leis na trí scór, leis an aois, approaching nightfall, the three score, old age.
Is dona a ~adh thú nár chuir tú an báire, you let yourself down badly when you didn’t score the goal.
~ ar bhata scóir, notch on score-stick.
~ scór, less than a score.
Tá sé na ceithre fichid, he is four score.
Trí fichid bliain, three score years.
Do scór a ghlanadh, to pay one’s score.
Troigh, cloch, acra, bliain, scór, go leith, a foot, a stone, an acre, a year, a score, and a half.
Ó scór go scór go leith, from a score to a score and a half.
~ a chur, to score a point.
Talamh a ~, to mark land for tillage; to score land for ridge-making, for lazybed tillage.
Leathar a ~adh, to score leather.
Lá a chur sa ~, to score up, complete, a day’s work.
An ~ a chothromú, to equalize the score.
Cárta scóir, score-card.
Imirt scóir, score-play.
Ar an ~ sin, on that score; at that rate.
~ daoine, a score of people.
Trí ~ bliain, three score years.
Tháinig siad ina ~tha, they came in scores, in great numbers.
An talamh a ~adh, to score, furrow, the land.
Déan cúpla ~ leis an scian air, score it a few times with the knife.
~ i dtalamh, score, furrow, in ground.
Is fearr seanfhiacha ná ~, ‘better old debts than an old score’, it is better to have s.o. beholden to you than at enmity with you.
Tá sé ag gearradh ~ ar mo leabhar, he is scoring my book.
Iomaire a ~, to score a ridge (for sowing).
Do tháille a íoc, to pay one’s score.
Scór ceoil a uimhriú, to figure a musical score.
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