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scrúdú could be a grammatical form of: scrúdaigh »
scrúdú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of scrúdaigh. 2. Examination. (a) ~ iontrála, iomaíochta, entrance, competitive, examination. ~ a dhéanamh, to do an examination. Páipéar scrúdaithe, examination paper. ~ béil, oral test. (b) ~ dochtúra, medical examination. ~ súl, eye test. (c) ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to scrutinize sth. ~ coinsiasa, examination of conscience.
~ léinn, scrúdaithe, educational, examination, subject.
An chéad ~ sa scrúdú, first place in the examination.
Scrúdú cáilithe, qualifying examination.
Má chliseann ort sa scrúdú, if you fail the examination.
Cluiche, scrúdú, comórtais, competitive game, examination.
Má éiríonn an scrúdú leo, if they pass the examination.
Is doiligh an scrúdú sin a fháil, it is hard to get that examination.
~ scrúdú, obráid, undergoing an examination, an operation.
~ ar scrúdú, entry for an examination.
2. ~ ar scrúdú, to enter for an examination.
Scrúdú ~, matriculation examination.
~anna maithe a fháil i scrúdú, to get good marks in an examination.
Onóracha a fháil i scrúdú, to obtain honours at an examination.
~ scrúdaithe, examination paper.
~ a fháil i scrúdú, to pass an examination.
Scrúdú a phasáil, to pass an examination.
~ díospóireachta, scrúdaithe, principal subject for discussion, of examination.
Ag ~adh faoi chomhair scrúdaithe, cramming for an examination.
Abairt, teoiric, a scrúdú, to examine a statement, a theory.
Do choinsias a scrúdú, to examine one’s conscience.
Aghaidh a scrúdú, to scrutinize a face.
Spéir na hoíche a scrúdú, to study the sky at night.
~ a dhéanamh (ar theangacha, le haghaidh scrúdaithe), to study (languages, for an examination).
Scrúdú a stiúradh, to superintend an examination.
Rud a scrúdú ó thalamh, to examine sth. thoroughly.
Dul isteach ar scrúdú, to enter for an examination.
~ scrúdaithe, result of examination.
Scrúdú ~, test-paper.
Ullmhú faoi choinne scrúdaithe, to prepare for an examination.
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