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Scáil a chaitheamh, to throw a shadow.
Gan ~ (ar domhan), without (a shadow of) doubt.
Faoi ~ na gcrann, under the shadow of the trees.
~ an bháis, the shadow of death.
~ a chaitheamh, to cast a shadow.
Ag déanamh ~e ar an talamh, casting a shadow on the ground.
Níl inti ach ~ i mbuidéal, she ‘is only a shadow in a bottle,’ is worn to a shadow.
~ a chaitheamh, to cast a shadow.
Ná bí ag rith le do ~, don’t be running after your shadow, pursuing fantasies.
Ar ~ an Tiarna, under the shadow of the Lord.
~ i scáthán, shadow in a mirror.
Níl ann ach ~, he is worn to a shadow.
Níl ann ach a thaise, he is worn to a shadow.
Scáil a theilgean, to cast a shadow.
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