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Similar words: hake · sake · shade · shaken · shaker
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~ do dhorn, an bata, air, shake your fist, the stick, at him.
Ní ~ dó, leis, lámh a chroitheadh le daoine, he does not make a habit of shaking hands with people.
~ a bhaint as rud, to shake, move, sth. out of set position.
Bhain sin ~ asat, that shook, staggered, you.
Bhí ~ ar a, ina, lámh, ghlór, his hand, his voice, was shaking.
Chroith sé an teach, an talamh, it shook the house, the earth.
Chroith sé an t-anam asam, it shook the life out of me.
Bhí sé croite go maith, he was rather shaken.
Tá cuma chroite air, he looks shaken.
~ an t-éadach, shake the cloth.
~ an deannach as, shake the dust off it.
~ an buidéal, shake the bottle.
Ag ~eadh anonn is anall, ó thaobh go taobh, shaking, waving, back and forth, from side to side.
~ suas thú féin, shake yourself up.
Lámh a chroitheadh le duine, to shake s.o. by the hand.
Ag ~eadh láimhe, lámh, le chéile, shaking hands with each other.
Do cheann a chroitheadh, to shake one’s head.
Chroith sé a ghuaillí, he shook, shrugged, his shoulders.
~ do chos, shake a leg.
Féar a chroitheadh (amach), to shake out, to ted, hay.
~ a bhaint as duine, to give s.o. a shake, a jolt.
Le ~ dá cheann, with a shake of his head.
~ a cheangal, a scaoileadh, to take in, to shake, a reef.
Chuir tú ~ a choirp, a chraicinn, air, you made him shake in his shoes.
~ in adhmad, shake in timber.
Bhain an cheist sin ~ asam, that question shook me.
~ a chroitheadh le duine, to shake hands with s.o.
~ anseo é! Put it there! Shake hands!
~ san uisce iad, shake them back and forth in the water.
~ cúrsa eile sa seol mór, shake out another reef in the mainsail.
Ar ~, shaking all over.
~ maith a thabhairt do rud, to give sth. a good mixing, a good shake.
Baineadh ~ mór asam, I was badly shaken; I was knocked about a lot.
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