Droim ~, bank for turf-spreading.
Plandaí, crainn, ag caithriú, plants, trees, shooting outwards, spreading.
Tine a chosc, to prevent a fire from spreading.
Chaith sé an lá ag feamnú, he spent the day working with, spreading, seaweed.
Néalta ag ~adh thar an spéir, clouds spreading over the sky.
Tá na coillte ag ~adh, the woods are spreading.
Ag ~adh aoiligh, spreading manure.
~ éadaigh, seoil, spreading of cloth, of sail.
Ag dul i ~, spreading, getting stout.
Gáir, cáil, ag leitheadú, a report, fame, spreading.
Tá an gnás ag leitheadú, the custom is spreading.
~ lín, móna, level place for spreading flax, turf.
~ tine, huge spreading fire.
~ nuachta, the spreading of news.
~ sciathán, spreading of wings.
~ scéil, spreading of story.
~ lín, éadaigh, spreading of net, of cloth.
~ féir, spreading of hay.
Tá an tuile ag spré, the flood is spreading.
Tá an aicíd ag spré, the disease is spreading.
Ag tabhairt startha ar dhaoine, telling tales, spreading reports, about people.