Níor sheas tú ~ dom, you did not stand up for me.
Ní raibh seasamh an fhóid iontu, they were unable to stand up for themselves.
Dul faoi do ~, to stand on the defensive; to get set for battle.
~faidh na tithe sin glúin eile, those houses will stand for another generation.
Do cheart a sheasamh, to stand up for one’s rights.
An rud a ~ann an comhartha dó, what the sign stands for.
Tá ~ a choda ann, he is able to stand up for himself.
Bheith ~ do dhuine, to be loyal to s.o.; to stand up for s.o.
~ naomhóige, stand for currach.
Dul in ~ ar dhuine, to stand surety for s.o.