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Tá sé ag titim chun céille, he is steadying down.
Teacht isteach ~, steady income.
Do shiúl a chothromú, to steady one’s pace.
~ ar a chosa, steady on his feet.
Bord a dhaingniú, to steady a table.
Tá sé i bh~; tá suí forais air, it is firmly fixed, steady.
Glac, déan, ~! Be steady! Have patience!
Is ~ an duine é, he can never keep steady; he is such a weathercock.
Bord ~, steady, firmly-fixed, table.
Obair sheasta, steady work.
Éileamh ~, steady demand.
3. Lámh shocair, steady hand.
~ ar a chosa, steady on his legs.
~ cosa an bhoird, steady the legs of the table.
Cuir ~ iontu, steady them down.
Le ~ láimhe, by skill of hand; with a steady hand.
Lámh ~, steady hand.
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