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stealladh could be a grammatical form of: steall »
stealladh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -llta; pl. -aí).1. vn. of steall2. 2. Outpouring; downpour. ~ éithigh, spouting of lies. ~ báistí, downpour of rain. 3. Bashing; fight, squabble. Thosaigh an ~ eatarthu, they got stuck into, started to give out to, one another. 4. Ar ~, ar steallaí, in spate. Ar ~ cos in airde, at full gallop. Ar steallaí (dearga) meisce, mire, raging drunk, mad. Ag obair ar ~, working at a great pace. (Var: stealláil f, steallaíl f)
Bhí sé ag stealladh ~e as, he was talking volubly.
Ar stealladh, ar meisce, na ngrást, blind drunk.
Síobadh, stealladh, an ~ as, his brains were blown, dashed, out.
Tá sé ag ~adh fearthainne, it is pouring rain.
Tá an fhuil ag ~adh as, the blood is spurting from him.
Bhí na carranna ag ~adh clábair orainn, the cars were spattering us with mud.
Ag ~adh tae chugainn, pouring tea copiously for us.
Ag ~adh bréag, pouring out lies.
Ag ~adh mionnaí móra, volleying oaths.
Bhí sé ag ~adh Béarla as, he was spouting away in English.
Bhí siad ag ~adh leo ar a chéile, they were bashing away at one another.
Tá an capall ag ~adh, the horse is kicking up his heels.
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