grásta, m. (gs. & npl. ~, gpl. grást). Grace. 1. Bheith ar staid na ngrást, to be in the state of grace. Lán de ghrásta, full of grace. ~ cónaitheach, naomhaithe, sacraimintiúil, habitual, sanctifying, sacramental, grace. ~ seachtrach, inmheánach, external, internal, grace. An áit a mbíonn náire bíonn ~, to have a sense of shame is a sign of grace. Cathair na ngrást, the courts of heaven. 2. Favour, mercy. Dia na ngrást, God of mercy. ~ ó Dhia orthu, God rest them. Ach ~ Dé, but for the grace of God. Ach ~ Dé caillfear iad, if God is not good to them they are lost. Ba é ~ Dé nár maraíodh mé, but for the mercy of God I would have been killed. Bíodh ~ Dé ionat, be guided by God’s mercy; have a heart. Is mór an ~ ó Dhia é, it is a great favour from God. Is é beatha grásta Dé, welcome be the will of God. Níl ~ ar bith ann, he is merciless. Buille gan ghrásta, merciless blow. Buaileadh gan ghrásta é, he was beaten mercilessly. 3. Braon a ligean le do ghrásta, to take a drop as a favour, a kindly drop. F:Cuir le do ghrásta é, drink it up. 4. (Intens.) Faic na ngrást, nothing whatever. Ar stealladh, ar meisce, na ngrást, blind drunk.
~ grásta Dé, but for the grace of God.
Ar bhail na ngrást, in a state of grace.
Go dtuga Dia grásta na ~a dúinn, God give us the grace of perseverance.
~ na ngrást, na glóire; an chathair neamhaí, the heavenly city, Paradise. (Of city, thing)
~ na fríde, na ngrást, nothing whatsoever.
Tagann grásta Dé le ~, patience wins the grace of God.
Ná bí ag ~adh Dé (na ngrást), don’t blaspheme.
Peaca, grásta, gnímh, actual sin, grace.
~ na dtoirbhirtí, na ngrást, the abundance of gifts, of grace.
Grásta ~, superabundant grace.
Is maith an ~ grásta Dé, the grace of God is sure sustenance.
~ le grásta Dé, with God’s grace.
romhainn go cathair na ngrást, open the way to heaven for us.
Ar ~ an pheaca, na ngrást, in the state of sin, of grace.