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greadadh could be a grammatical form of: gread »
greadadh, m. (gs. -eadta). 1. vn. of gread. 2. (a) Beating, trouncing. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a thrashing. ~ teanga, tongue-lashing. ~ bos, severe slapping; clapping of hands; beating of hands (in grief). ~ báistí, pelting rain; drenching. Ar ~, at great speed. (b) ~ tine, scorching fire. ~ croí, heart-scald. ~ chugat! Bad cess to you! (c) Lashings, plenty. ~ airgid, ama, éisc, plenty of money, of time, of fish. Tá ~ de ann, there are lashings of it. ~ oibre, plenty of work. (d)Mec: Percussion. S.a. comhla 3(c).
Bhí a chár ag greadadh ar a chéile, his teeth were chattering.
Greadadh ~ lár é, he was dashed to the ground.
Bhí siad ag ~adh ar an doras, they were hammering at the door.
Ag ~adh a mbos ar a chéile, clapping their hands; beating their hands together (in grief).
Ag ~adh a chos ar an talamh, stamping his feet on the ground.
Ag ~adh a sciathán, beating their wings.
An fhearthainn ag ~adh ar ghloine na fuinneoige, the rain whipping the window-panes.
Bhí siad ag ~adh a chéile, they were thrashing one another.
~adh iad (sa troid, sa chluiche), they were trounced (in the fight, in the game).
Tá sé ag ~adh leis (ar an obair), he is slogging away (at the work).
Tá mo lámha ~ta, my hands are smarting.
Tá an císte ~ta, the cake is burned.
Tá mo chroí ~ta acu, they have my heart scalded.
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