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stopadh could be a grammatical form of: stop »
stopadh, m. (gs. ~tha).1. vn. of stop2. 2. Stop, stoppage, cessation. ~ a dhéanamh in áit, to make a stop at a place. ~ tráchta, hold-up of traffic. ~ i bpíopa, stoppage in pipe. ~ oibre, stoppage of work. ~ tuarastail, withholding of salary. Gléas stoptha, stopping device. Ordú stoptha, stop order.
Nuair a bhaineann sé amach ní féidir é a stopadh, when he gets going (talking) he cannot be stopped.
~ slán, stoptha, through, stop, chamfer.
Níl ~ ná stopadh ort (é a dhéanamh), nobody is stopping you (from doing it).
Duine a ~adh ó rud a dhéanamh, to stop s.o. from doing sth.
Níl aon duine á ~adh duit, nobody is hindering you from doing it.
Mórshiúl a ~adh, to stop a procession.
Troid a ~adh, to stop a fight.
An carr a ~adh, to stop the car.
Liathróid a ~adh, to block a ball.
Abhainn a ~adh, to stop a river.
Fuil a ~adh, to staunch blood.
Pinsean a ~adh, to stop payment of a pension.
~adh punt as mo thuarastal, a pound was withheld from my salary.
~adh ag barr an bhóthair, to stop at the top of the road.
Tá m’uaireadóir ~tha, my watch is stopped.
Cá bhfuil tú ag ~adh anois? Where are you staying now?
Poll a ~adh, to stop a hole.
Tá mo phíopa ~tha, my pipe is blocked up.
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