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suaimhneas, m. (gs. -nis). Peace, tranquillity; quietness, rest. ~ a bheith agat, to have peace. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to let s.o. have peace. Tá ~ beag againn ó d’imigh siad, we have a bit of quiet since they left. Do shuaimhneas a ghlacadh, to take one’s ease, to relax. Tabhair ~ do do chnámha, give your bones a rest. Bhí sé ag obair leis ar a shuaimhneas, he was working away at his ease. Siúil ar do shuaimhneas, walk easy. Níl mé ar mo shuaimhneas, I don’t feel at ease. ~ a chur i nduine; duine a thabhairt chun suaimhnis, to quieten s.o. Chuir sí na páistí chun suaimhnis, she put the children to rest. Is é an ~ is fearr, it is better to do things quietly. ~ intinne, peace of mind. ~ síoraí, eternal rest. Faoi shuaimhneas, in peace; at rest.
Ar a shuaimhneas, taking his ease.
Chuir tú ar a suaimhneas iad, you put them at their ease.
~ chun suaimhnis iad, put them to rest.
Tabhair mo shuaimhneas dom ~, let me have peace from now on; it is time you let me have peace.
Tá sé i bh~ a shuaimhnis, he is taking his rest.
Solas, suaimhneas, na bh~, the light, the peace, of heaven.
Ní thugann siad ~ ná suaimhneas dom, they give me neither rest nor peace.
Scíth, do shuaimhneas, a ghlacadh, to take a rest, one’s ease.
D’ól mé mo mhaide pionta ar mo shuaimhneas, I drank my pint measure at my ease.
Suaimhneas ~, eternal rest.
Faoi shó agus faoi shuaimhneas, in peace and comfort.
Tá suaimhneas ar ~ aige, he can rest easy; he is happy with his lot.
Níl ~ suaimhnis agam leo, they won’t let me sit in peace.
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