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Ní obair d’~ í, it is not (suitable) work for an inexperienced person, for a greenhorn.
Má bhíonn an lá in ~ don iascaireacht, if the day is suitable for fishing.
Lá ~ taistil, a suitable day for travelling.
Bhí an aimsir chuige, the weather was suitable for it.
Dá mbeadh an ~, na cóngair, agam, if I had suitable equipment.
~ corráin, speile, grass suitable for cutting with reaping-hook, with scythe.
~eann sé don ócáid, it is suitable for the occasion.
Áit, ócáid, obair, fheiliúnach, suitable place, occasion, work.
Má bhíonn an lá ~, if the day is suitable.
Dá mbeadh an bus ~ dúinn, if we had a suitable bus service.
Dá mbeadh an lá chun iascaigh, if the day was suitable for fishing.
Ar ócáid ~, on a suitable occasion.
Rud a chur in ~, to make suitable use of sth.
Tá an aimsir ~ chuige, the weather is suitable for it.
~ cruithneachta, land (suitable) for growing wheat.
Ar ócáid thráthúil, on a suitable occasion.
Talamh treafa, ploughland, land suitable for ploughing.
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