Gabhfad de chleite an bheadaí ort, ‘I will take the goose-quill to you’, summons you.
Má tá sé i do cheithre ~a, if you can summon up the strength for it.
Do mhisneach a chruinniú, to summon up one’s courage.
~ a chur ar dhaoine, to call people together, summon people to a meeting.
~ chun cruinnithe a thabhairt do dhuine, to summon s.o. to a meeting.
7. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to seek out, to summon, s.o.
~ chun géillte, summons to surrender.
~m ar dhuine, to call upon, summon, s.o.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to summon, send for, s.o.
Glaoch ar chabhair, to call for, summon, help.
Duine a sheirbheáil, to serve a summons on, to summons, s.o.
Duine a thoghairm, to summon s.o.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to summon s.o.
~ achomair, iomlánach, thionscnaimh, summary, plenary, originating, summons.
~ féichiúnaí, finné, debtor, witness, summons.
Dhéanfainn é dá mbeadh an ~ ionam, I’d do it if I could summon up strength for it.