~ airgid, craolacháin, draenála, iompair, oideachais, currency, broadcasting, drainage, transport, educational, system.
~ iompair, means of transport; vehicle.
Chuir sé ~a ar mo chroí, it transported me with joy.
~ chun na hinse, transport to the island.
Carry. 1. Convey, transport.
~ earraí, transport of goods.
~ a chur ar rud, to have sth. carried, transported.
Córas iompair, transport system.
Long iompair, transport (ship).
~ iompair, transport (-vessel).
Iompar ar an ~, bulk transport.
~ fada ar chosa laga, ‘a long walk on weak legs’, a long journey without transport or sustenance.
~ iompair, transport number.