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Tá port breá eile aige, mar atá an Chúileann, he has another fine tune, namely, the Coolin.
Port a bhualadh, to play a tune.
~ suas port dúinn, play a tune for us.
Amhrán, port, a chasadh, to sing a song, play a tune.
Port a bhfuil ~ ann, an intricate tune.
~ gléasta, tuning-fork.
Amhrán, port, a chrochadh (suas), to strike up a song, a tune.
Dán, amhrán, fonn, aoir, a dhéanamh, to make a poem, a song, a tune, a satire.
Port feadaíola, a whistled tune.
Cur leis an bh~, to sing in tune.
2. ~ ceoil, tuning-fork.
~ cheoil, thiúnta, tuning-fork.
Port, damhsa, gáire, ~, merry tune, dance, laugh.
~ a bhualadh, a sheinm, to play a tune.
Cas ~ dúinn, give us a tune.
~ damhsa, dance-tune.
~ feadaíola, whistled tune.
~ aitheantais, signature tune.
D’athraigh sé a phort, he changed his tune.
~ húta. 1. Rousing call; stirring tune.
Tá an ~ céanna i gcónaí aige, he never changes his tune.
port ar an orgán béil dúinn, play (up) a tune on the mouth-organ for us.
Port a sheinm, to play a tune.
Buail suas ~ (ceoil, foinn) dúinn, strike up a tune for us.
Buail ~ port dúinn, strike up a tune for us.
Bhí port feadaíola ~ aige, he was whistling a tune.
~ a sheinm, to play a tune.
Gléas ceoil a chur i d~, to tune a musical instrument.
I d~, as ~, in, out of, tune.
Pianó a thiúnadh, to tune a piano.
Inneall a thiúnadh, to tune an engine.
Ceol an traonaigh sa ghort, the tune the old cow died of.
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