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uime could be a grammatical form of: um »
uime. 1 : um. 2 = um.
Bhuail uime, I ran into him, met him.
3. Ghabh uime ina fhocal, he went back on his promise.
Ghabh an uime ina thaitneamh, the day did not live up to its promise.
~ faoi, uime, he flew into a passion.
~ uime, he became contorted.
ag cur uime, he is dressing himself.
Agus a bheirt mhac uime, with his two sons accompanying him.
Is uime thug Dia chugainn é, that is why God brought him to us.
Ag fonóid uime, jeering at him.
Ar mhéad a grá uime, so great was her love for him.
Mhaígh a ghean gáire air uime, he broke into a laugh over it.
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