Tá an roth ag ~t ar a fhearsaid, the wheel is grating on its axle.
Ar rothaí, ar cheithre cosa, on wheels, on four legs.
~ de roth, d’inneall, part of wheel, of machine.
~ láimhe, rotha, hand-, wheel-, barrow.
Giar, roth, ~ta, bevel-gear, -wheel.
Bhog sé den roth, he let go the wheel.
Roth buaile, water-wheel, wheel of water-mill.
Roth a chasadh, to turn a wheel.
Rud a chasadh ar bior, ar inse, to turn sth. on a spit, on a hinge. (Of wheel)
Bain ~ as an roth, give the wheel a turn.
~ luascáin, othair, rothaí, rocking-, invalid, wheel-, chair.
~ tuirne, base of spinning-wheel.
~ rotha, toothing of wheel.
Roth a chur ar charr, to put a wheel on a car.
Roth a chur thart, to turn a wheel.
~ thart rothaí, the turning of wheels.
6. ~ bear, (i) fire-wheels, (ii) cuckoo wrasse.
Roth, suíochán, deiridh, back-wheel, -seat.
~ an roth, chock up the wheel.
~ rothaí, grinding of wheels.
Éadach, páipéar, roth, éimir, emery-cloth, -paper, -wheel.
Tá rothaí ~, it runs on wheels.
~ (sníomha, tuirne), spindle (of spinning-wheel).
D’fheistigh sé na rothaí air, he fitted the wheels on it.
Fiacla rotha, cogs of wheel.
~ (tuirne), axle (of spinning-wheel).
~ rotha, iron band of wheel.
Fiacla rotha a ghabháil, to mesh the teeth of a wheel.
~ rothaí i mbóithrín, wheel-ruts in lane.
~ adhmaid, rothaí, bróg, cnámh, creaking of timber, of wheels, of shoes, of bones.
~ rothaí, rumbling of wheels.
Ag ~eacht go mall, ar rothaí, ó áit go háit, moving slowly, on wheels, from place to place.
~ rotha, iron rim of wheel.
Imeacht ar rothaí, to go on wheels.
Roth ag iompú, a wheel turning.
Má tá ~ ar an roth agat, if you can take a turn at the wheel.
~ i dtéad, i roth, play in rope, in wheel.
Roth líofa, grinding-wheel.
~ an roth orm, the wheel buckled on me.
Rinneadh ~ den roth, the wheel was all buckled.
Maide lústair, treadle (of spinning-wheel).
~ (tuirne), pin (of spinning-wheel).
~ tuirne, pivot of spinning-wheel.