ócáid, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). Occasion. 1. Particular time, special event. An ~ a cheiliúradh, to celebrate the occasion. Ar ~ a bpósta, on the occasion of their marriage. Ar ~ ar leith, on a special occasion. Don ~, for the occasion. Ar ~í, occasionally. Cá huair nó cá h~? When or in what circumstances? Bord ~e, occasional table. 2. Particular happening, incident. Rugadh air san ~, he was caught in the act. 3. Circumstance providing cause or excuse. ~ an pheaca, the occasion of sin. Ná bíodh sé ina ~ scannail agaibh, don’t make it an occasion of scandal. Ní raibh ann ach ~ aige, it only served him as an excuse. 4. Need arising from particular circumstance. An ~ a thug ann mé, what occasioned my going there. Chuaigh mé ann ar ~ shochraide, I went there to attend to funeral matters. An bhfuil ~ mhór ort? Have you anything of importance to attend to? Is iomaí ~ air, there are many things claiming his attention. 5. Use, purpose. Níl ~ agam leis, I have no occasion to use it; I have no need for it. Le haghaidh, faoi choinne, na hócáide, for that very purpose. Rud a chur in ~, to make suitable use of sth. Rud a chur ó ~, to render sth. useless. (Var: pl. ~eacha; ~e f)
An ócáid a cheiliúradh, to celebrate the occasion.
~ féile, ócáide, celebration of feast, of occasion.
Féile, ócáid, an Cháisc, a chomóradh, to celebrate a feast, an occasion, Easter.
Mar is ~ don ócáid, as befits the occasion.
Ag cur leis an ábhar, leis an ócáid, appropriate to the matter, to the occasion.
Ar ócáidí éagsúla, on various occasions.
~eann sé don ócáid, it is suitable for the occasion.
Áit, ócáid, obair, fheiliúnach, suitable place, occasion, work.
In onóir don ócáid, in honour of the occasion.
Bhíodh cead iomartais ar dhuine ar ócáid mar sin, a person could be subjected to weird influences on an occasion like that.
Ar ócáid ~, on a suitable occasion.
~ thús ar an ócáid, to start off the occasion.
Ócáid mhór, great occasion.
Bhí gach uile rud ~ againn don ócáid, we had everything ready for the occasion.
Ócáid shollúnta, solemn occasion.
Ócáid shuaithinseach, special occasion.
Tiocfaidh an uair agus an ócáid, the hour and the occasion will arise.
Ar ócáid thráthúil, on a suitable occasion.