baisteadh, m. (gs. baiste, pl. -tí). 1. vn. of baist. 2. Baptism. ~ le huisce, baptism with water. ~ dúile, fola, baptism by desire, by blood. ~ tuata, urláir, lay baptism. ~ easpaig, confirmation. ~ a ghlacadh, to receive baptism. Dul chun baiste le leanbh, to stand sponsor to a child. Chuaigh, rug, an ~ air, he lived to be baptized. Leanbh gan bhaisteadh, unbaptized child, child who dies without baptism. S.a. ainm 1, eoin1 1, fuíoll1 5. 3. Christening celebration, party. Bhí ~ mór air, there was a great party at his christening. S.a. bainis 2. (Var: gs. baistidh)
An lá a baisteadh é, the day he was baptized.
~ baiste, baptismal, Christian, name.
Baisteadh as a athair é, he was named after his father.
~eadh Brian air, he was christened Brian.
~eadh as a athair é, he was christened after his father.
Bhí siad ag ~eadh a chéile, they were calling each other names.
~eadh an áit as an tobar, the place was named after the well.
Níor ~eadh Mí de Mhaigh Uisnigh roimhe sin, the plain of Uisneach was not called Meath before then.
Rug an baisteadh air, he lived to be baptized.
Níl a fhios agam ~ ná baiste, beirthe ná ~, I haven’t a notion.
Ní fhaca mé ~ ná baiste é, I didn’t see a sign of him.
~ bainise, baiste, wedding, christening, celebration.
~ baiste, baptismal robes.
1. ~ Baiste, St. John the Baptist.
D’fhaomh sé an baisteadh, he agreed to be baptized.
~ baiste, defect in baptism.
Ghabh sé an baisteadh ó Phádraig, he let Patrick baptize him. (Of taking in marriage)
Baisteadh ~, circumcision.
Cad é an ní a ~tar chun an baisteadh a dhéanamh? What is requisite for the performance of baptism?
~ Eoin Baiste, St. John’s wort.
~eanna baiste, baptismal vows.
~ baiste, baptismal font.