cúitigh1, v.t. (vn. -teamh). Requite; repay, compensate. Rud a chúiteamh le duine, to requite s.o. for sth. Costas, cineáltas, a chúiteamh, to repay cost, kindness. Chúitigh sé ár saothar linn, he repaid us for our trouble, rewarded us for our labour. Cúiteoidh mé do bhris leat, I will compensate you for your loss. Caithfidh tú an éagóir a chúiteamh, you will have to make amends for the injury. Chúitigh sé a phurgadóireacht ar an saol seo, he redeemed his term in purgatory (by his suffering) in this life. Go gcúití Dia leat é, may God reward you for it. S.a. cuir15.
cúitigh2, gsm. of cúiteach.
Súil le cúiteamh a chailleas an ~, expectation of recoupment is the bane of the gambler.
Éileamh, cúiteamh, ~, just demand, recompense.
Bhí siad ag cur is ag cúiteamh, they were arguing back and forth.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine i rud, to requite s.o. for sth.
~ ruda a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. pay, suffer, for sth.
~ a dhéanamh i do pheacaí, to make retribution for one’s sins.
~ a éileamh ar dhuine, to demand satisfaction from s.o.
~ ar chaillteanas, compensation for loss.
~ ar shaothar, reward for labour.
Cúiteamh, leorghníomh, a dhéanamh, to make amends, restitution.
Ba mhaith leis cúiteamh a fháil ann, he wishes to be compensated for it.
Cúiteamh a thabhairt i rud, to give compensation for sth.