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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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cúl1, m. (gs. & npl. cúil, gpl. ~; pl. ~a used in certain phrases). 1. Back. (a) ~ tí, back of house. ~ cathaoireach, scátháin, back of chair, of mirror. ~ cluaise, muiníl, back of ear, of neck. ~ scine, faobhair, back of knife, of sharp instrument. ~ na tíre, the back, remoter part, of the country. I g~ an chnoic, at the back of the hill. I g~ an ghluaisteáin, in the back of the car. Crochta ar chúl an dorais, hanging on the back, inside, of the door. I g~ a dhoirn, in his closed fist. S.a. cluiche 1(a). Ar chúl na gaoithe, sheltered from the wind. Ar chúl na gréine, cut off from the sun. ~ a chur ar thine, to build up the back of a fire (with fresh fuel). Bhí an teach lán ó chúl go doras, the house was packed out. Do chúl a bheith le rud, to have one’s back turned to sth. Dul ar chúl duine, ruda, to get, shelter, behind s.o., sth. Bhí sé ina sheasamh ar mo chúl, he was standing behind me. Bhí an ghaoth inár g~, we had a following wind. An dream atá ar a chúl, the people who are behind him, backing him up. Tá rud éigin ar a chúl sin aige, he has some ulterior motive for that; (of statement) there is some hidden significance in what he has said. Do chúl a thabhairt do, le, rud, to turn one’s back on sth., to abandon sth. Thug sé ~ lena mhuintir, he forsook his people. Thug sé ~ don spórt, he gave up sport, his sporting habits. Thug siad a dhá g~ dá chéile, they turned their backs on each other, went their separate ways. Dul ar do chúl i rud, to go back on sth. Thit sé i ndiaidh a chúil, he fell backwards. Cuireadh i ndiaidh a chúil é, he was sent reeling backwards. S.a. dorn 1, faobhar1 4, lámh1 11, 19 (d), lorg1 2(c), sciath11(a), teann1 2(a). (b) ~ cinn, back of head. An rud atá i g~ a chinn aige, what is at the back of his mind. Tá ~ a chinn leis an scéal, he has got the story all wrong. Níl a fhios aige ach oiread le ~ a chinn, he hasn’t the remotest idea. Nuair a fuair siad ~ mo chinn leo, when they got my back turned. Ag caint orm ar chúl mo chinn, talking about me behind my back. Ina luí ar chúl a chinn, lying on his back. Tá sé ar chúl a chinn le ráithe, he has been laid up for three months. S.a. súil 1. (c) Ar g~, backwards. Dul ar g~, to go back; to recede, decline. Seasamh ar g~, to stand back. Thug sé coiscéim ar g~, he took a step back. Rud a chur ar g~, to put sth. back, to postpone sth. Cuir an clog ar g~, put back the clock. Duine a choinneáil ar g~, to keep s.o. back, to delay s.o. I bhfad ar g~, far back, primitive. (d) (Of check, delay, decline) ~ a chur ar dhuine, ar rud, to set back s.o., sth. Chuir sé ~ orm le mo chuid oibre, it left me late with my work. Chuir an triomach ~ ar na barra, the drought retarded the growth of the crops. Tá ~ ag teacht air, he is beginning to fail. Tá ~ ar an ngealach, the moon is on the wane. Choinnigh sí ~ ar na deora, she held back her tears. (e) (Marcaíocht) ar ~a, (riding) pillion. Bhí a bhean ar a chúla leis, his wife was riding pillion with him. Ar chúla téarmaí, in secret. (f) Doras, ballaí, seomra, cúil, back-door, -wall, -room. Sráid chúil, back street. Tír chúil, back-country. Coillte cúil, backwoods. S.a. bairéad 2, cárta1 1. 2. (Of person, thing) (a) Reserve, support. ~ airgid, reserve of money. ~ cosanta, ~ daortha, defence to fall back on, mainstay. ~ dídine, dín, refuge, sanctuary; one used as a foil. Rinne sí ~ dín de, she made a cat’s-paw of him. ~ taca, ~ toraic, backing; backer. S.a. éag1 2 (c), 4. (b) Sp: (i) back, (ii) goal. ~ a chur isteach, to score a goal. S.a. báire 3. (c) (With le) Forsaker. ~ le ceird, one who abandons his trade. ~ le rath, ne’er-do-well. S.a. cine 1. 3. Mil: Rear. 4. (Of coin, medal) Reverse. 5. Bootm: Counter. 6. ~ fionn, gristly outer fat of steak. 7. ~ gruaige, head of hair; hair done up at back. ~ a chur suas, to do up hair (at back). ~ a bhearradh, to cut hair (at back). ~ catach, curly locks. F: ~ naoi ribe, scanty locks. S.a. biorán12, cíor1 1(a). (Var: pl. ~a)
cúl2, m = cúil1.
cúl3 = cúlaigh.
cúl4. (In phrase) ~ fáich, fathaigh = cál faiche : cál13.
~ agus cúl, heads and tails.
An seomra cúil, the back room.
Tar ~ ó mo chúl, come out from behind me.
ar gcúl, backwards) (For rules governing use with article see
Ar mo chúl, behind me.
Ar aghaidh, ar gcúl, ar deis, ar clé, forwards, backwards, to the right, to the left.
Cúl ~, goalkeeper.
Chaill mé mo chúl ~, I lost my support, the person in whom I had most trust.
~ cúil, skull-cap.
Fágadh ar an m~ cúil, stéille, é, he got the smallest share.
~ cúil, by-way.
Tá sé ar bhiorán an chúil agam, I have it nearly completed.
~ cúil, íochtair, bottom wale.
~ an chúil aird, high-caul cap.
Ag ~eadh daoine gan ábhar, ar chúl a gcinn, censuring people without cause, behind their backs.
~ chúil, backward current, eddy.
~eadh ar gcúl, soir siar, iad, they were hurled back, in all directions.
~ cúil, reserve card.
Tá ~ cúil aige, he has a card up his sleeve.
Tá daoine ~a ar a chúl, he has the support of influential people.
~ (ar aghaidh, ar gcúl) a thabhairt, to take a step (forward, backward).
Cúl le ~, a stranger to one’s kind.
Ainm cúl le ~, a name new in the family.
~ chinn, chúil, hair-comb.
~ a chur as cúl doirn, to jink, to win every trick in game.
Fuair sé ~ sa chúl, he was struck in the back.
~te cúil, backwoods.
Níor choinnigh aon duine cúl air, nobody held him back.
~ chun tosaigh, ar gcúl, do leataobh, a step forward, backward, to one side.
~ cúil, by-path.
Ceann, cúl, ~, flowing head of hair.
Chrom siad i gcúl na carraige, they crouched behind the rock.
~ phrátaí, stored heap of potatoes.
~ ar aghaidh, ar gcúl, é, put it forward, back.
Rinne sí cúl dá cuid gruaige, she did up her hair at the back.
~ cúil, thiar, backdoor.
Rud a bheith i gcúl do dhoirn agat, to have sth. enclosed in one’s fist, secure in one’s possession.
Chomh cinnte is dá mbeadh sé i gcúl do dhoirn agat, as surely as if you had it in the hollow of your hand.
Chuir sé punt i gcúl mo dhoirn, he slipped a pound into my hand.
Bhí a anam i gcúl a dhoirn aige, leis, he was terrified of his life.
~ ar gcúl, retreat; recession, decline.
~ ar gcúl na teanga, the decline of the language.
Níl ~ ar a chúl ná ar a aghaidh aige, he can neither advance nor retreat, he must face up to it.
A chuirfeadh ~a an earraigh ar gcúl, which would bring dead things to life in the spring.
Ar chúl ~a, in a backward state or position; isolated, unnoticed, forgotten.
Tá an áit seo ar chúl ~a, this place is at the back of beyond.
Tá siad ar chúl ~a anois, they are ignored, forgotten, now.
Fágadh ar chúl ~a sinn, we were left out in the cold.
I bh~ ar gcúl, far back, far behind.
Tá tú i bh~ ar gcúl, you are far behind the times.
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