ceol, m. (gs. -oil, pl. ~ta). 1. Music. (a) ~ a sheinm, to play music. Gléas ceoil, musical instrument. ~ damhsa, rince, dance-music. ~ aireagail, bailé, chamber-, ballet-, music. ~ siansach, symphonic music. ~ sí, fairy music. (b) ~ éan, song of birds. ~ conairte, cry of hounds. ~ sruthán, murmuring of streams. ~ na farraige, the voice of the sea. ~ta na cruinne, all the music of the universe. (c) ~ a bhaint as ionstraim, to play on an instrument. ~ a bhaint as an saol, to enjoy life, to have one’s fling. Bhain sé ~ as an airgead, he spent the money freely. Bhain siad ~ as litir Mháirtín, they had a great time discussing Máirtín’s letter. Beidh ~ faoi seo, there will be talk about this. Níl a leithéid de cheol ann, it is no such matter. S.a. gléas2 3. 2. Song. Ag gabháil cheoil, singing. Ag déanamh ceoil, making songs, verses. Rinneadh ~ de, a song was made about it. Chuala mé i g~ é, I heard it in a song, in a poem. 3. Vigour, animation. ~ a chur i gcuideachta, to pep up, enliven, a company. Chuir an bia ~ ann, the food livened him up. Tá neart is ~ ann, he is strong and vigorous. Tá sé lán de cheol, he is full of life. Mo cheol thú! Bravo! Good yourself! 4. Ringing sound. Tá ~ i mo chluasa, I have a singing in my ears.
~ cheoil, musical instrument.
Agallaimh cheoil, disputations in verse.
~ cheoil, piece of music; bit of a song.
~ a chur sa chuideachta, sa cheol, to liven up the company, the music.
~ dána, ceoil, treafa, poets, musicians, husbandmen.
Glór, ceol, ~, sweet voice, music.
~ cainte, ceoil, sweetness of speech, music.
3. ~ ceoil, snatch of song.
Bhog an ceol é, the music moved, affected, him.
~ ceoil, ~ d’amhrán, snatch of a song.
~ cainte, ceoil, gift of speech, music.
~ cheoil, band of musicians.
~ (ceoil), strain (of music).
~ i gceol, i nglór, turn in music, inflexion in voice.
Dán, ceol, a cheapadh, to compose a poem, music.
Ag ceartú ceoil, véarsaí, composing music, verses.
~ cheoil, d’amhrán, verse of a song.
Tá ~ an cheoil ann, he is musical by nature. (Of potatoes, etc.)
~ do cheol, an ear for music.
Ceol a chóiriú, to arrange music.
~ agus ceol, feasting and singing.
~ ceoil, woodwind instrument.
~ cheoil, woodwind instrument.
Tá sé ag cur a chroí amach ag ceol, he is singing his heart out.
2. ~ (cheoil), strain of music; snatch of song.
3. ~ cheoil, strain of music; snatch of song.
Rud a chur i gcaint, i gceol, i gcanúint na háite, to express sth. in speech, in song, in the local idiom.
Ceol a chur le rud, to set sth. to music.
Ceol, amhráin, a chumadh, to compose music, songs.
~ ceoil, dáin, the composing of song, of poetry.
~ ceoil, the composition of music.
~ i gcaint, i gceol, impossible to express in speech, in music.
Tá an ceol ~e, there is a rift in the lute.
Ceol ~a, magical, entrancing, music.
~ ceoil, humming of song, crooning.
~ filíochta, ceoil, piece of poetry, of music.
Tá an ceol inti ó dhúchas, she is musical by nature; she comes of a musical family.
Tá ~ a anama sa cheol aige, he is passionately fond of music.
Ceol, amhráin, na ndaoine, folk-music, -song.