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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: cathrú · ceathra · sceathrú · cathú · ceathar-
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ceathrú1, f. (gs. ~n, pl. ~na; ds. ~in used in certain phrases).1. Quarter. ~na a dhéanamh de rud, rud a roinnt ina cheathrúna, to quarter sth., divide sth. into quarters. (Of measurement) ~ orlaigh, míle, acra, quarter of an inch, of a mile, of an acre. Slat is ~, a yard and a quarter. (Of weight) ~ unsa, tonna, quarter of an ounce, of a ton. Tá ~ cloiche meáchain ann, it weighs a quarter of a stone. Punt is trí cheathrú de, one and three-quarter pounds of it. Nau:~ feá, quarter. (Denoting varying amounts, according to usage) ~ (puint) tae, quarter (pound) of tea. ~ (cloiche) siúcra, quarter (stone) of sugar. ~ deargán, a quarter of a hundred (thirty) bream. (Of time) ~ uaire, uair is ~, quarter of an hour, an hour and a quarter. ~ chun, go dtí, a sé, a quarter to six. ~ tar éis, i ndiaidh, a seacht, a quarter past seven. 2. (a)Physiol: Thigh. (b)~ caorach, sheep’s haunch. S.a. (e).~ tosaigh, deiridh, fore-, hind-, quarter. Chonaic mé ~ loin ba mhó ná do cheathrú martáin, I saw a blackbird’s thigh that was bigger than your little quarter of beef. (c)Cu:~ chaoireola, quarter of mutton. (d)Vet:~ dhubh, ghorm, blackleg. (e)Bot:~ chaorach, lamb’s-quarters, goosefoot. (f) (Of lunar phases) Tá ~ gealaí ann, the moon is at the quarter. Tá an ghealach i mbéal ~n, the moon is entering a quarter state. Táimid ar an g~ dheireanach (den ghealach), we are in the last quarter (of the lunar period). (g) (Of ship, boat) Ar a ~, on her quarter. Do rámhaí a ligean le ~, to ship one’s oar. Chuir siad an trealamh le ~, they hauled in the gear. (h)Her:~ bairr, buin, chief, base, quarter. Tá an gníomh sin ina cheathrú liath orthu riamh ó shin, that deed is a blot on their escutcheon ever since. (i)Hist: Fourth part of a baile biataigh. See baile13. ~ an teampaill, na n-oileán, the church, island, quarter(-lands). 3. (ds. ~in).Mil: Quarters. ~ gheimhridh, winter quarters. Ar ~in, in quarters, lodgings. Saighdiúirí a chur ar ~in, to quarter soldiers. Dul ar ~in in áit, to take up one’s quarters in a place. S.a. máistir 1(b).4. ~ anama, quarter, exemption from death. ~ anama a iarraidh, a thabhairt, to ask for, grant, quarter. Gan ~ anama gan trócaire, without quarter or mercy. 5. Mth:~ ciorcail, quadrant. Mus:~ nóta, minim. Bootm:~ (bróige), quarter (of shoe). Phot:Pláta ~n, quarter-plate. S.a. maide 1(c), seisiún 1. 6. Quatrain. ~ cheoil, d’amhrán, verse of a song. Abair ~ nó dhó, give us a stave or two. 7. ~ (páipéir), quire (of paper). 8. Cross-rope on thatch. (Var:pl. ~nacha)
ceathrú2, num. a. (Prefixes h to vowel; in gs. either nom. or gen. of article and accompanying noun may be used) Fourth. An ~ duine, huair, the fourth person, time. Cuid an cheathrú fir, an cheathrú fear, the fourth man’s share. I gceann na ~ míosa, an cheathrú mí, at the end of the fourth month. Sa cheathrú háit, in (the) fourth place. Ar an g~ lá, on the fourth day. An ~ cuid déag, the fourteenth part. An ~ fear fichead, the twenty-fourth man.
Ceathrú ~ a sé, a quarter to six.
~ dhá leath, (ceithre) ceathrúna, de, make two halves, (four) quarters, of it.
Ar cheathrú i n~ a dó, at a quarter past two.
Tá ceathrú, leath, iomlán, gealaí ann, there is a quarter, a half, a full, moon.
An ceathrú h~, No. 4 iron.
Ceathrúna ~a, lean quarters.
~ ceathrún, quarterstaff.
~ ceathrún, quartermaster.
Ceathrú mhairt, quarter of beef.
~ ceathrún, quarter-plate.
An ceathrú ~, the fourth class.
~ ceathrún, ceathrúnach; ceathrú sheisiúin, quarter-sessions.
~ cheathrún, quarterstaff.
~ cheathrún, stern-fast.
Thóg mé ceathrú amháin den amhrán uaithi, I picked up one verse of the song from her.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht