fia1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna). Deer. ~ rua, red deer. ~ fionn, bán, fallow deer. ~ mór, elk. ~ bairr, stag. ~ beannach, antlered deer, stag. F: Cuid Mhic Craith den fhia, the lion’s share. S.a. creamh 2, maraigh1 1, teanga 3(c).
fia2, m. (gs. ~). 1. Waste, wilderness. Dul i bh~ agus i bhfiántas, to become a wilderness; (of person) to run wild. 2. Land, territory.
fia3, a3. Wild. Diasa ~, corn-cockle. S.a. coirce 2.
fia4, s. (In asseverations) Dar ~! Dar ~ is (dar) fiolar! By Jove! By heaven! Thug sé ~ (is fiolar), he swore (by this and that). Tá a fhios ag ~ (go), heaven knows (that). Scrios ~ orthu! Damnation take them!
fia-5, pref. 1. Wild. 2. Large, outsize.
2. ~ fia, fiáin, móinéir, scéine, wild oats, oat-grass.
muice fia, hart’s-tongue.
~ (fia), belling (of stag).
~ fia! ~ lia! ~ fiagaí! ~ fia is fiolar! By Jove!
Ag eachtraí ar na Fianna, ar na tíortha coimhthíocha, relating (wonder) stories of the Fianna, of foreign lands.
Chomh ~ le fia (na mbeann), as wild as a deer.
Fianna Fhinn; na Fianna, legendary warrior-bands of Fionn Mac Cumhaill.
~a (fear) Éireann, Alban, warrior-bands of Ireland, of Scotland.
Fianna Éireann, national insurrectionary scout body.
Fianna Fáil, Fianna Fáil political party. 4. (Of pieces in board game)
Crann ~, crab-apple tree.
Chomh ~ le breac, le fia, leis an mbradán seang, in the pink of health.
Fia fuinidh, the land of the setting sun, the west; the western land, Ireland.
~, ~ fia, ~ fiann, clinkered bed of ancient cooking-place.
Ná ~ an fia go bhfeice tú é, don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
Na fianna a bhíodh do do ~, the warrior bands who served under your command.
Chomh ~ le fia, as fleet as a deer.
~ (fia) orm (má), I’m jiggered (if).
An méid de na Fianna a theastaigh uainn, those of the Fianna who were lost to us.