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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: dubh · subh · tubh · uch · ugh
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ubh, f. (gs. uibhe, pl. uibheacha; pl. form uibhe used with numerals).Egg. ~ chirce, ghé, lachan, hen-, goose-, duck-, egg. ~ fhaoileáin, ghealbhain, seagull’s, sparrow’s, egg. ~ bhruite, ~ bheirithe, boiled egg. ~ bhogbhruite, chruabhruite, soft-, hard-, boiled egg. ~ scallta, poached egg. ~ scrofa, scrambled egg. ~ fhia, shell-less egg. S.a. aire11, clochrán11. (Var:m, gs. uibh)
Tabhair ~ do na huibheacha, be careful with the eggs.
~ na huibhe circe, an éin ghé, na gloine, na fola, gentle treatment; coddling.
Feoil, ubh, ~, raw meat, egg.
2. ~ (uibheacha), second clutch (of eggs).
~ uibheacha, faochan, batch of eggs, of periwinkles.
Ubh a bhreith, to lay an egg.
An ~ amach as an ubh, the food from the egg.
~ uibhe, eggshell.
3. ~ uibhe, egg-flip.
Feoil, ubh, a bhruith, to boil meat, an egg.
Ubh a bhualadh, to beat up an egg.
~ uibhe, eggbeater.
Chac sé ar na huibheacha, sa bhleánach, he made a mess of things.
An ~ a bhaint d’ubh, to take the top off an egg.
~ san ubh, sedition in the bud.
~ in áit na huibhe, a stone for bread.
Ar dhath ubh an chlochráin, blue-grey.
~ práta, uibhe, large potato, egg.
~ práta, uibhe, large potato, egg.
Rud a bheith ar dhéanamh uibhe, báid; ~ uibhe, báid, a bheith ar rud, sth. to be egg-, boat-, shaped.
Uibheacha ~, hatching eggs.
D’~ an chearc de na huibheacha, the hen rose from, abandoned, the eggs.
Éan ag fabhrú san ubh, a bird forming in the egg.
~ na huibheacha, be careful of the eggs.
Ubh ~e, nest-egg.
Uibheacha ~, fresh eggs.
Feoil, ubh, fhuar, raw meat, egg.
1. ~ (uibhe), white (of egg).
~ in ubh, embryo in egg.
Ubh ghlugair, addle-egg.
Ghoidfeadh sé an earra ón seangán, an ubh ón gcorr, he is a born thief.
~ a dhéanamh ar uibheacha, to hatch eggs.
Uibheacha a ghoradh, to hatch eggs.
Ní grian a ghoras a ubh, he knows how to plan ahead, is quite a schemer.
~ uibheacha, eochraí, hatching of eggs, of spawn.
Uibheacha (éillín) a ~an, to set a clutch of eggs (for hatching).
~ uibheacha, setting of eggs.
~ ubh, éisc, half-hundred of eggs, of fish.
~ uibheacha, clutch of eggs.
Ubh lofa, rotten egg.
Ní luífeadh an chearc ar na huibheacha, the hen would not hatch the eggs.
~ uibhe, top of egg.
An ~ a bhaint d’ubh, to top an egg.
~ tae, uibhe, tea-, egg-, cosy.
2. ~ uibhe, egg-cosy.
Ubh a ~adh, to poach an egg.
~ uibhe, shell membrane of egg.
~ ar ubh, chip in eggshell (as caused by emerging chicken).
Ubh sheide, nest-egg.
~ uibhe, egg-spoon.
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