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Focail chosúla: manaigh · marcaigh · margaigh · marlaigh · matraigh
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Seans gur foirm é maraigh de: marach »
maraigh1, v.t. 1. Kill. Duine, rud, a mharú, to kill s.o., sth. Mharaigh an galar é, the disease killed him. Mharaigh an fhiaile na barra, the weeds killed the crops. Pian a mharú, to kill pain. Iasc a mharú, to catch fish. Prov: Ná ~ an fia go bhfeice tú é, don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. 2. (a) Injure seriously, worry. Ná ~ thú féin ag obair, don’t kill yourself working. Mharaigh sé é féin leis an ól, he destroyed himself with drink. Bhí siad ag troid is ag marú a chéile, they were fighting like cats and dogs. Is é rud atá do mo mharú (go), what I can’t get over is (that). Níl á mharú ach é, (i) he is worried to death about it, (ii) it is all he is worried about. (b) Destroy appearance, quality, of. Fód a mharú, to tramp down, flatten, a sod. Mharaigh tú mo chárta maith, you beat my good card. Dath a mharú, to kill, neutralize, a colour. 3. Jur: Fearann a mharú, to amortize land.
maraigh2 : marach.
Ná maraigh ~ é, don’t kill him altogether.
Cad é a dhéanfadh mac an chait ach luch a mharú? Like father like son.
Marú an daimh a thabhairt do dhuine, to overwork, overburden, s.o.
Ná tabhair marú an daimh duit féin leis an obair sin, don’t kill yourself with that kind of work.
Is beag nach ndearna siad mo mharú, mé a mharú, they nearly killed, nearly went so far as to kill, me.
Dá mbeifeá do do mharú, if you were being killed.
~ siad mé a mharú, they nearly killed me.
Is doiligh ~ a mharú, ‘it is hard to kill a bad thing’.
Maraíodh iad as ~, they were all killed.
Ná maraigh thú féin in ~, don’t kill yourself outright.
Tá ~ ar a shaol (nuair nár maraíodh é), he bears a charmed life (or he would have been killed).
Ná maraigh ~ é, don’t kill him outright.
Is millteanach an ~ duine a mharú, it is a terrible deed to kill a person.
Ba é ~ Dé nár maraíodh mé, but for the mercy of God I would have been killed.
Tá marú duine san obair sin, that kind of work could kill a person.
Mharaigh sé iad i ndíol a athar, he killed them in revenge for his father.
Maraíodh bó leis, a cow belonging to him was killed.
Éan a mharú sa ~, to kill a bird in flight.
Ag ~adh is ag marú a chéile, wounding and slaying one another.
Cá ~ a mharaigh sé? How many did he kill?
~ éisc, the catching of fish.
~ cárta, the beating, trumping, of a card.
~ péine, the killing of pain.
~ fuaime, deadening of sound.
~ duine, homicide.
~ dlíthiúil, justifiable homicide.
Tá ~ duine ar rud mar sin, a thing like that could cause the death of someone.
Tá ~ ceart san aimsir seo, this weather is killing.
Gléas maraithe, lethal weapon.
Le fuadar maraithe, with murderous intent.
Ba mhór an ~ nár maraíodh é, it is a wonder he was not killed.
~ maraí, shanty.
Tá siad i ~ a chéile a mharú, they are fit to kill each other.
Mharaigh siad ~ scan é, they killed him outright.
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