goid1, f. (gs. as s. gada, as vn. ~te). 1. vn. of goid2. 2. Theft, larceny. Ná déan ~, thou shalt not steal. ~ fríotha, larceny by finding. 3. Thing stolen. ~ a ithe, to eat stolen food.
goid2, v.t. & i. 1. Lit: Take away, remove. Clú na comharsan a ghoid, to take away a neighbour’s character. 2. Steal. (a)Rud a ghoid ó dhuine, to steal sth. from s.o. Ghoidfeadh sé an earra ón seangán, an ubh ón gcorr, he is a born thief. Níor ghoid sé is níor fhuadaigh sé é, it is in his very nature. (b) ~ isteach ar dhuine, to steal up on s.o. Bhí sé ag ~ an bhealaigh leis, he was working his way along. Bím ag ~ mo lae as, I while away the time. Tá sé á ghoid as, he is slowly fading away.
~ gach ceirde goid, thieving is the worst trade.
Goid fríotha, larceny by finding.
Goid agus ~, theft and rapine.
Cá bhfios ~ gur goideadh iad? Who knows but that they were stolen?