méin1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Mind, disposition. ~ mhaith a bheith agat do dhuine, to be well-disposed towards s.o. An bhean is fearr ~, the best-natured woman. Tá ~ charthanais aige, he is disposed to be friendly. Ní hionann ~ do gach mac, tastes differ. 2. Mien, bearing. ~ mhaorga, noble mien. 3 = mian1.
méin2 : méan.
~ a bheith agat do dhuine, to be well-disposed towards s.o.
Do dhea-mhéin a chur chuig, chun, duine, to send kind regards to s.o.
Lucht ~e, men of goodwill.
Beir mo dhea-mhéin chun do mhuintire, tell your people I send them my regards.
Le ~ an aire, with the minister’s compliments.
Do dhea-mhéin a ghabháil le duine, to present one’s compliments to s.o.
Ní h~ méin do gach mac, tastes differ.
Le dea-mhéin an údair, with the author’s compliments.
An té is fearr méin, the person with the best disposition.
A ~ is a méin, her form and disposition.
Tá méin ~ aige, he is of a retiring disposition.
~ méine, nobility of mind.