pity1, s. Trua f. a To take pity on s.o., trua a ghlacadh do dhuine. I felt pity for him, bhí trua agam dó; ghlac mé trua dó. To move s.o. to pity, trua a chur ar dhuine. To do sth. out of pity for s.o., rud a dhéanamh le trua do dhuine. For pity's sake, ar son Dé. b What a pity! nach mór an trua é! nach é an feall é! It is a great pity, is mór an trua é.
pity2, Tá trua agam do. He is to be pitied, is mór an díol trua é.
Accessible to pity, bogchroíoch.
He is to be pitied, is díol trua é.
Not but that I pity you, agus ní hé nach bhfuil trua agam duit.
He was divided between hatred and pity, níor threise an fuath ná an trua aige.
My heart melted with pity, choscair mo chroí i mo chliabh le trua.
(The) more's the pity, móide an trua.
To move s.o. to pity, trua a chur ar dhuine.
Your tears will not move him (to pity), ní bhogfaidh do dheora é.
Object of, for, pity, díol m, ábhar m, trua.
Have pity on him, bíodh trua agat dó.
To be prompted by a feeling of pity, corraí le teann trua.
To stir s.o. to pity, trua a mhúscailt i nduine.