pointe, m. (gs. ~, pl. -tí). Point. 1. Dot. ~ deachúil, decimal point. A haon ~ a dó, one point two. 2. (a) Precise spot, stage. ~ cothromaíochta, point of balance. ~ tadhaill, point of contact of tangent. ~ teagmhála, junction. ~ trasnaithe, intersection. ~ briste, breaking-point. ~ fiuchta, boiling-point. ~ imeachta, starting-point. ~ loicthe, stalling-point. Mth: ~ scoite, discrete point. ~ teorann, limiting point. (b) Precise moment. Ag an b~ sin, at that point. D’imigh sé ar an b~, he left on the dot; he went off immediately. Ar an b~ boise, instantly. 3. Extreme point, extremity. I b~ an anama, on the point of death. Ag na pointí deiridh, in the last extremities. Is géar an ~ atá air, he is in great extremity. Ar an b~ is deise, is giorra, do, within an ace of. 4. Particular, item; point of argument. ~ a lua, to mention a point. ~ ar phointe, point by point. Pointí fánacha, trivial points. ~ amháin eile, one other point. ~ a ligean le duine, to concede a point to s.o. Aontaím leat ar phointí áirithe, I agree with you on certain points. Is é sin an ~ a bhí agam, that is the point I wanted to make. 5. Distinctive trait. Tá pointí maithe ann, he has his good points. Ní raibh pointí fir riamh ann, he never showed manly traits. 6. Tip. ~ platanaim, platinum point. 7. Geog: Headland. ~ tíre, point of land. An ~ is faide ó thuaidh den oileán, the most northerly point of the island. 8. Point of compass, direction. As gach uile phointe, from all parts. 9. Aut: Na pointí a cheartú, to adjust the points. 10. Sp:Bua ar phointí, a win on points. ~ a chur, to score a point. 11. Start. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to make a start at sth. 12. Bí ar do phointí air, be on your guard against him.
~ láithreach, ar an bpointe, right now, immediately.
~ na naoi bpointe, nine-point circle.
~ ag an bpointe sin, just at that point.
Pointe nó dhó ~, one or two further points.
Luas, pointe, loicthe, stalling speed, point.
Na pointí a mharcáil, to plot the points.
Fachtóir, pointe, nialais, zero factor, point.
Pointe ordaithe, point of order.
Pointe tadhaill, point of contact.
Marc, pointe, tagartha, reference mark, point.
Táimid pointe chun tosaigh, we are leading by a point.