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Focail chosúla: deilbh · sealbh · seirbh · soilbh · sailbhe
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seilbh, f. (gs. ~e, npl. sealbha, gpl. sealbh). 1. Occupancy, possession. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to possess sth. Rud a bheith i do sheilbh agat, to have sth. in one’s possession. Níl pingin ar mo sheilbh, I haven’t as much as a penny. ~ a ghlacadh, a ghabháil, ar rud, to take possession of sth. Teacht i ~ ruda, to come into possession of sth. Fuair sé ~ ar an áit, he got possession of the place. Duine a chur as a sheilbh, to dispossess s.o. Baineadh ~ an tí díobh, the house was taken away from them. Cé atá i ~ na feirme anois? Who occupies the farm now? An té atá sa t~, the person in possession. Ecc: ~ beinifíse, incumbency of benefice. 2. Thing possessed; property, estate, demesne. Sealbha saolta, worldly possessions.
As seilbh, dispossessed.
Seilbh a choimeád ar rud, to keep possession of sth.
Seilbh, greim, a choinneáil, to keep possession, a grip.
~eadh as seilbh na háite iad, they were dispossessed of the place.
~ as seilbh, dispossession.
Seilbh a bheith agat ar do dhúchas, to own one’s ancestral estate; to have a grip on one’s heritage.
Seilbh, údarás, ceannas, a ghabháil, to assume possession, authority, leadership.
~ seilbhe, taking of possession.
Caillteanas, fógra, seachadadh, seilbh, ~, constructive loss, notice, delivery, possession.
Seilbh ~, immediate possession.
Ná ~ amach as do sheilbh é, don’t let it out of your possession.
Seilbh ~, precarious tenure.
Seilbh, teideal, a thabhairt, to give possession, a title.
Tugadh an áit ar a sheilbh, the place was given into his possession.
Thug sé ~ a raibh ina sheilbh dom, he gave me a third of all he possessed.
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