stoca, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). Stocking. ~ gearr, sock. Bhí sé ina ~í, he was in his stockinged feet. Tá pingin mhaith sa ~ aige, he has a good sum laid by.
Stoca a chur ar ~, to refoot a stocking.
~ beag (ar stoca), ribbing (on stocking).
~ stoca, fat indolent person.
~ bróige, stoca, sole of shoe, of stocking.
Ag déanamh stocaí caite, making stockings to wear, for family wear.
4. ~ (ar stoca), (patch of) darning (on stocking).
Dhá stoca chorra, two odd stockings.
~ stoca, leg of stocking.
Rinne sí cúpla ~ (chniotála) ar an stoca, she knitted a few rounds of stitches on the stocking.
~ stocaí fliucha a bheith ort, it is bad to wear wet stockings.
~ stoca, coarsely-knit stocking.
2. ~ (ar stoca), double heel (in stocking).
~ stoca, ribbed part, top, of stocking.
Tá an stoca ag ~eadh, the stocking is ravelling.
~ i stoca, ravel in stocking.
~ stoca, heel of stocking.
~ stoca, heel-patch on stocking.
Is beag an rud a shalaíonn stocaí bána, it is easy to blot fair fame.
~ suas do stocaí ort, pull up your stockings.
3. ~ stoca, vamp of stocking.