Rent in arrear, cíos atá gan íoc.
He is beforehand with the rent, (i) tá an cíos íoctha roimh an am aige; (ii) tá an cíos (atá iníoctha faoi láthair) aige.
Rent (of lodgings) fifteen shillings a week exclusive, cíos (lóistín) cúig scilling déag sa tseachtain gan cothú.
Garnish (money), cíos m na hainnise.
To let sth. (out) on hire, rud a shuí, a ligean (ar cíos).
To hire sth. out, rud a shuí, a chur ar cíos, a ligean.
To let chairs out (on hire), cathaoireacha a ligean (ar cíos).
Letting value, luach cíosa.
Nominal rent, ainm m agus cíos, ainm cíosa.
Peppercorn rent, ainm m cíosa.
F: I am writing relative to the rent, táim ag scríobh i dtaobh an chíosa.
To take a house, teach a thógáil ar cíos.
To rent a house and take over the furniture, teach a thógáil ar cíos agus an troscán a choimeád.
He owes a term's rent, tá gála cíosa amuigh air.
Rent takes heavy toll of my income, is mór an bhris ar mo theacht isteach an cíos.
He hasn't a trouble in the world, níl cíos, cás, ná cathú air.
To let sth. by the year, rud a ligean ar cíos bliana.