F: Heart of adamant, croí cloiche.
Extraction of a stone from a quarry, baint cloiche as coiréal.
Heart of flint, croí cloiche.
House fronted with stone, teach a bhfuil éadan cloiche air.
F: A gigantic rock, fámaire, piarda, mór cloiche.
He is hard-hearted, tá croí cloiche aige.
He stood there like a statue, bhí sé ina sheasamh ansin mar a bheadh gallán cloiche ann.
F: They went down like ninepins, leagadh iad mar a leagfaí póiríní cloiche, paca cártaí.
Wall of stone, balla m cloiche.
Stone's throw, urchar m cloiche.
Within a stone's throw, faoi urchar cloiche.
Not to leave a stone standing, gan cloch a fhágáil ar mhuin cloiche.
Stone wall, balla cloiche.
Stony heart, croí cloiche.
A stony-hearted person, duine a bhfuil croí cloiche ann.