Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
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Tá iontráil i bhFoclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge i dtaobh throw »
throw1, s. 1 a Caitheamh m; urchar m (cloiche). Throw of dice, urchar m dísle. b Long throw, caitheamh fada. Within a stone's throw, i bhfoisceacht urchar méaróige. c Wr: Leagan m. 2 Geol: Sraithfhabht m. 3 Mec.E: a Throw of the piston, raon m an loine. b Lámh f (luamháin). Two-throw crank-shaft, cromfhearsaid dhélámhach.
throw2, 1 a Caithim. Abs.He can throw a hundred yards, tá caitheamh, urchar, céad slat aige. To throw s.o. a kiss, póg a chaitheamh chuig duine. To throw a glance at s.o., spléachadh a thabhairt ar dhuine, súil a chaitheamh ar dhuine. To throw temptation in s.o.'s way, cathú a chur i mbealach duine. To throw the blame on s.o., an milleán a chur ar dhuine. S.a. MONEY 1, MUD, WATER1 1 b To throw a sheet over sth., bráillín a chur anuas ar rud. He threw himself into the fray, chuaigh sé de sciuird sa troid. He threw himself on my generosity, chuaigh sé ar iontaoibh, i muinín, na féile agam. He was thrown upon his own resources, fágadh ar a chonlán féin é. To throw two rooms into one, seomra amháin a dhéanamh de dhá cheann. To throw open the door, an doras a leathadh. S.a. GEAR1 3, WORK1 3. 2 a Steallaim (uisce, puiteach). b To throw a picture on the screen, pictiúr a chaitheamh ar an scáileán. To throw a lustre over sth., loinnir a thabhairt do, a chur i, rud. 3 F: He threw a fit, bhuail racht é. 4 a Wr: To throw one's opponent, do chéile comhraic a leagan. b (Of horse) To throw its rider, an marcach a leagan. (Of rider) He was thrown, cuireadh chun talaimh é. 5 Cer: Múnlaím ar an roth.
To throw a bridge across a river, droichead a chur ar abhainn.
To throw sth. into the air, rud a chaitheamh san aer, sa spéir.
F: Caps were thrown aloft, caitheadh caipíní san aer.
To throw s.o. off his balance, (i) duine a chur dá chothrom; (ii) duine a chur thar a shnáithe.
To discharge, throw out, ballast, ballasta a chaitheamh amach.
She was thrown on her beam-ends, caitheadh ar a taobh í.
He was thrown out bodily, caitheadh amach é idir chorp is chleití.
To throw a bridge across a river, droichead a chur trasna abhann.
To throw dirt at s.o., achasán m a chaitheamh le duine.
To throw discredit upon a statement, amhras a chaitheamh ar ráiteas.
To throw off all disguise, éirí as an gcur i gcéill.
To throw the ranks into disorder, riar na mbuíonta a bhriseadh.
To throw discretion to the dogs, dul ar choimirce an tsí gaoithe.
To throw money down the drain, airgead a chaitheamh le gaoth.
To throw dust in s.o.'s eyes, dallach dubh a chur ar dhuine.
F: To throw out a feeler, ancaire a chur amach, bheith ag fóideoireacht; an talamh a bhrath (roimh ré).
To throw sth. on the floor, rud a chaitheamh ar an talamh, ar an urlár.
To throw down the gage to s.o., dúshlán duine a thabhairt.
To gamble on a throw of dice, cur ar chaitheamh an dísle.
To throw down the gauntlet to s.o., dúshlán duine a thabhairt.
Aut: Sliding gear, throw-over gear, giar sleamhnáin.
To throw (car, etc.) into gear, (gluaisteán, etc.) a chur i ngiar.
To throw (car, etc.) out of gear, (i) (gluaisteán, etc.) a chur as giar; (ii) (inneall, etc.) a chur ar ainghléas, as fearas; (iii) (scéim) a chur trína chéile.
Prov: People who live in glass houses should not throw stones, (i) achasán na hóinsí don amaid; (ii) cibé atá saor caitheadh sé cloch.
To throw s.o. off his guard, duine a chur thar a choimeád.
To throw a stone hard, cloch a chaitheamh le teannadh.
To throw the helve after the hatchet, an phingin a chaitheamh i ndiaidh an phuint.
To throw innuendos against s.o., sáiteáin a thabhairt do dhuine; gearradh chuig duine.
To throw, shed, light on sth., léargas a thabhairt ar rud.
To throw off, drop, the mask, éirí as an gcur i gcéill.
To throw oneself on s.o.'s mercy, dul i muinín trócaire duine.
F: To throw good money after bad, bheith ag súil le cúiteamh an chearrbhaigh.
To fling, throw, mud at s.o., sceith béil a dhéanamh de dhuine; aithis a thabhairt do dhuine.
To throw sth. out of the window, rud a chaitheamh amach an fhuinneog.
To throw s.o. out of the house, duine a chur amach; F: an doras a thabhairt do dhuine.
To throw sth. over the wall, rud a chaitheamh thar an mballa.
To throw the crowd into a panic, scaoll a chur sa slua; an slua a líonrú.
To throw over the points, na ladhróga a athrú.
To throw propriety to the winds, dul thar fóir le mínáirí.
To bring, throw, sth. into relief, rud a thabhairt chun léire.
He was thrown out of the saddle, cuireadh as an diallait é.
To throw away the scabbard, dul i muinín airm.
To throw sth. into the scale, rud a chur sa mheá.
To throw the hounds off the scent, na cúnna a chur ar seachrán.
To throw sth. on the scrap-heap, rud a chaitheamh ar an gcarn aoiligh, faoi thóin cártaí.
F: To throw a sidelight on a subject, léargas eile a thabhairt ar ábhar.
Thrown silk, síoda cóirithe.
(Of snake, etc.) To cast, throw, its skin, an craiceann a chur.
To throw up the sponge, stríocadh, loiceadh.
To throw, cast, stones, at s.o., (i) clocha a chaitheamh, a raideadh, le duine; (ii) bheith ag tromaíocht ar dhuine.
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