Mil: To make a breach in the enemy's lines, bearna a dhéanamh i línte an namhad.
To break the enemy's lines, línte an namhad a bhearnú.
To break through the enemy lines, línte an namhad a bhearnú.
Geom: Concurrent lines, línte comhchumaracha.
Ph: Lines of the spectrum, spectrum lines, línte an speictrim.
N.Arch: Lines of a ship, línte tógála loinge.
The front lines, na línte tosaigh; brollach m an chatha.
The back lines, na línte cúil.
To pierce through the enemy's lines, polladh trí línte an namhad.
Typ: To space (out) the lines, na línte a spásáil.
Art: The sweeping lines of the drapery, línte triopallacha an éadaigh.
Art: Vanishing linen, línte fpl comhdhruidteacha.