Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
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Tá iontráil i bhFoclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge i dtaobh spot »
spot1, s. 1 a Ball m, láthair f -reach. A beautiful spot, áit álainn. I was standing on the very spot, bhí mé i mo sheasamh ar bhall na háite. The manager should always be on the spot, ní mór don bhainisteoir a bheith sa láthair i gcónaí. b P: To put s.o. on the spot, duine a chur in aer. c On the spot, láithreach bonn, ar an toirt. He was killed on the spot, maraíodh tur te é. He fell dead on the spot, cailleadh ar áit na mbonn é. d Com: Spot cash, airgead síos. e To put one's fingers on a weak spot, an t-éasc a aimsiú. To touch the spot, dul go bun an oilc. He has no soft spot, níl buille bog ar bith ann. 2 Smál m, spota m (salachair). 3 a Ball m, spota m (datha). Shirt with white spots, léine agus baill bhána inti. A panther's spots, breacadh an phantair. F: To knock spots off s.o., duine a bhualadh caoch, buachan pic ar dhuine. b Bill: (i) Ball m; (ii) liathróid bhreactha. 4 a Deoir f, braon m (báistí). b A spot of whiskey, braon uisce beatha. A spot of trouble, ábhairín m achrainn. 5 Tv: Gearróg f.
spot2, 1 a Smearaim, fágaim smál ar (rud). b Breacaim (rud) (le baill). 2 a Aimsím, tugaim faoi deara, braithim. He spotted me from the window, d'aithin sé mé ón bhfuinneog. b Turf: To spot the winner, an buaiteoir a thomhas.
Black spot (on furniture, etc.), ball salach.
Phot: Flare(-spot), léas m solais.
I.C.E: Flat spot (of a carburettor), maolspota m (carbradóra).
Great spotted gull, cailleach bhreac.
The high spot of the match, buaic an chluiche.
Troops were hurried to the spot, greadadh saighdiúirí chun na háite.
Spot that lends itself to meditation, ball a oireann don mhachnamh.
A likely spot to find s.o., áit a mbeifí ag súil le duine a bheith.
To be marked with spots, bheith breactha (le baill).
Restful spot, ball suaimhneach.
In a retired spot, i mball cúlráideach.
He remained rooted to the spot, d'fhan sé ansiúd ina staic.
F: That's his sore spot, sin an áit a ngoilleann an bhróg air.
Spotted fever, fiabhras m ballach.
Unfrequented spot, ball aonarach, scoite.
That is his vulnerable spot, ansin atá an t-éasc ann.
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