breall1, f. (gs. -eille, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Glans penis. 2. Clitoris.
breall2, f. (gs. -eille, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. (Ugly) protuberance. 2. Blubber lip. Chuir sé ~ air féin, he began to sulk. 3. Blemish, defect. Is cuma leis an dall cé air a bhfuil an bhreall, what the eye sees not the heart rues not. 4. Rag, clout. 5. Blunderer, fool. 6. (In phrases) Tá ~ ort, you are making a silly mistake, making a fool of yourself. Fágadh ~ air, he was made to look very foolish. Tá ~ orm le mo chuid oibre, my work is sadly neglected, very much in arrears. 7. Bot: ~a gorma, knapweed. (Var: pl. ~acha; m, gs. breill)